About Us

50 Years

In business

48 States


Our Philosophy

We are committed to offering customers the highest quality products and services possible. Chemical Dynamic’s slogan is “Our Business Is To Help You Grow.” To help our customers grow both their crops and businesses, we employ Certified Crop Advisers as our representatives. Through our consultative selling strategy, we identify, advise, and help our customers meet their plant nutrient needs. Our goal is to practice social responsibility as we recommend fertilizer products and applications that meet the needs of our customers in an environmentally conscious manner. We strive to serve our customers by being a value-added leader in the fertilizer industry and providing high quality products and services at competitive prices.

Our Culture

Chemical Dynamics has provided liquid fertilizer and crop consultative services for over 50 years. Central to our business culture is the belief that every customer, business partner and employee be treated with respect and dignity. Those beliefs are demonstrated by awareness that our corporate culture must be visible in both our words and actions to reach the shared goals of our customers and employees.

Our Products

Our products are designed to meet the specific needs of various crops and soil types. By providing a tailored nutrient solution, we aim to help you maximize yields, improve crop quality, and reduce the risk of nutrient deficiencies.

Our History

In 1973, W.B. “Hap” Carson founds Chemical Dynamics Inc. in Plant City, Florida.
Dyna-Gro 779 foliar nitrate product introduced to the citrus industry. It has become the go-to foliar fertilizer for fast uptake of critical micro-elements to prevent and correct nutritional deficiencies.
Fire destroys original manufacturing facilities located by the Plant City farmers’ market. Offices and manufacturing facilities are relocated to the Plant City Industrial Park adjacent to the Plant City Airport off Turkey Creek Rd.
SOAR line of advanced micronutrient products introduced including SOAR Boom Spray, Citrus Mix, Micronutrient Mix, and Advanced Performance Mix.
President David Carson elected Chairman of the Board of FFAA.
David Carson is the new President of Chemical Dynamics after working for the company since 1980. Founder Hap Carson elected Chairman of the Board of the Florida Fertilizer and Agrichemical Assoc. (FFAA).
Chemical Dynamics celebrates 50 years with a third generation of Carson’s in the business in 13 states throughout the Southeast.